Defence of Master Thesis

On 30 April 2024, the Master’s thesis entitled “Spectra of Vulnerability Coefficients for Selected Parameters of SDOF Model and Earthquake Records” was defended under the supervision of Prof. Dr
Marijana Hadzima-Nyarko. In this thesis, spectra of vulnerability coefficients were created that can be used to assess the seismic vulnerability of selected actual buildings. As part of this work, the seismic
vulnerability of selected buildings in the city of Osijek was also assessed using the macroseismic method and the Canadian method of rapid visual inspection. The selected buildings were included in the building database for the city of Osijek.

In today’s society, where the construction of buildings is an unavoidable aspect of the urban environment, the issue of seismic risk is becoming increasingly important. Earthquakes can have catastrophic consequences for human lives, infrastructure and the economy. It is therefore crucial to understand and assess earthquake risk in order to take appropriate protective measures.

The master’s thesis is one of the results of the project “IM4StEM – Intelligent Methods for Structures,
Elements and Materials”. By analysing the importance of seismic risk assessment and building data collection and applying methods to assess the seismic vulnerability of buildings, this work contributes to the achievement of the project objectives and to a better understanding and management of seismic risk.

Master thesis- Foreword
